Book Talk is an opportunity to engage in a thoughtful and nuanced discussion about the book, The Body Liberation Project: How Understanding Racism and Diet Culture Helps Cultivate Joy and Build Collective Freedom by author Chrissy King. Let's approach "new year, new me" from a different lens and focus on un-learning and re-learning rather than diet culture goals!
Book Talk is an online group event to reflect on this book with other people, to celebrate and challenge the ideas presented, and to continue learning through other's perspectives. Reading non-fiction can be challenging, and even when you do get invested in a book, afterwards there can be plummet where all you want to do is talk about what it is you just read and the frustrating reality may be that nobody else you know has or is willing to have a spirited conversation with you about the book.
Book Talk's purpose is to be that outlet, where you can nerd-out with other people who just finished reading the same book as you, you can critique what didn't connect with you, and potentially hear how differently other people interpreted the same material. Book Talk is a space for everyone who misses class discussions, but is relieved there isn't a test or paper due at the end. Whether you are an active reader or need the extra motivation to finish a book, Book Talk welcomes anyone who wants to be included in a passionate discussion.

Date and Time
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CST
January 21st, 4pm-5pm
Online via Zoom
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