Learn massage techniques and allow yourself to be nurtured while nurturing your loved one. Massage techniques will be taught from various massage modalities: Thai, Acupressure and Tui Na. All techniques can be brought home and practiced daily.
*Massage will be practiced clothed.
*Please dress comfortably: yoga clothes are perfect!
*All ages are welcome.
*No previous experience necessary.
*Feel free to bring a massage table if you have one.
Instructor Cindy Huston: a Licensed Massage and Asian Body Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, and E-RYT Yoga Instructor.

Date and Time
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST
Saturday, February 10th
Noon-2:00 PM
Yoga Body Elements
4007 N Broadway #202
Chicago, IL 60613
*press #202 slowly
$88.00 per couple earlybird
$111.00 day of event
Contact Information
Yoga Body Elements 773-891-7071
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